School and Instructor Management

If you are a school or instructor

Setting up links back to my school
If you are a sailing school owner with NauticEd then you want to set up your links back to NauticEd properly so that your students are properly assigned to ...
Fri, 29 May, 2020 at 9:26 AM
I've set up a school but it is not listed
In the onboarding document for setting up a new school, the document asks you to set up a location. If your school is not listed then you have not set up a ...
Wed, 12 Mar, 2025 at 1:58 PM
Quickly add a new student or friend to NauticEd
You meet an old friend in the street, you can quickly add a person to the NauticEd program by using the webpage You can bookmark ...
Sun, 17 Mar, 2024 at 2:19 PM
Instructors - assign student to your instructor profile
As an instructor/assessor when you sign in you will see the following on the right side. Tap on dashboard. This will take you to your dashboard where ...
Sun, 17 Mar, 2024 at 2:09 PM
Become a Sailing Instructor With NauticEd
With NauticEd, you can qualify and become a sailing instructor under the American National Standards. It does not matter where in the world you operate - st...
Thu, 9 Nov, 2023 at 11:26 AM
How do instructors manage, add, and sign off on a student's practical competency?
This is the 2022 process which is a change from previous where a lot of improvements were made to the system. People in the database start off as Pro...
Thu, 16 May, 2024 at 2:14 PM
As a school, how do I see my Instructors?
When logged in as a school and if on Prospect and School Dashboard (your home logged-in page), click on school management then on the right side click on Yo...
Wed, 8 Feb, 2023 at 8:24 PM
How does a school or instructor add a practical training student to their dashboard
This has moved here:
Sun, 17 Mar, 2024 at 2:11 PM
Instructors and Schools can export and download their list of students
Instructors and Schools can export and download their list of students from the dashboard by clicking the Export button at the bottom right of the student t...
Mon, 13 Nov, 2023 at 5:01 PM
Schools and Instructors: Convert Student
If you are a school admin or instructor and having issues around converting a person to a training student, all the information on how to work the software ...
Thu, 21 Dec, 2023 at 12:39 PM